How To Study For Exams

Posted on August 24, 2012 · Posted in How to Study

All of us have the capacity to pass exams and all that we need to know is how to study for exams. The difference between those who score straight A’s and those who fail largely depends on the effort that was put in prior to the exams. There are specific things that one needs to know about exams so as to be able to pass exams. Exams are not set with the intention of making anyone to fail but they are only set so as to be able to help the assessor know just how much you have been able to understand and retain. This is the reason why cramming for exams is discouraged.

Some of the tips on how to study for exams include;

  • Plan for your study- this involves having a timetable or a study schedule that will specifically outline what you are going to read at a specific time including the resting period. A study timetable will help you to become disciplined and you are only supposed to plan this once you have known your concentration time which will be the time that you assign for each subject.
  • Study based on the kind of exam that you are going to sit for example if you are going for a mathematics exam then you will need to study while practicing out and doing several examples. Some exams require that you practice while others such as psychology and history demand that you are able to memorize the content that you read.
  • Get into a study group where you will be able to learn from your friends on how to study for exams. You will have to ensure that you study in a place that you will not be distracted and start telling stories such as in a library.
  • Never ever procrastinate to the last minute- most of us wait until the last minute when we start to read but it should not be so since the retention capacity will be reduced. It would be better to start reading just at the beginning of the semester and reviewing the notes on a daily basis so that when the exams come you will be prepared enough.
  • Start to study by doing the quizzes and tests that are normally asked after certain chapters, you can also study the notes while memorizing them so that you do not forget. It would be important that you avoid missing classes since the teacher may say something that will be of relevance to the exams.

Some of the points to consider on how to study for exams include;

1. The lighting in the room should neither be too bright nor too dull so that you will be able to concentrate on what you are reading as opposed to straining while reading.
2. Always ask for help from your friends, family members or teachers whenever you are stuck since this will better prepare you for the exams.
3. Find the right hours to read and do not read at the hours when your concentration is reduced such the nights that you are too tired and you had a long day.
4. Remember to re-write what you read since re-writing will help you to memorize what you read although this method is more convenient when it comes to kinesthetic learners
5. The most important point on how to study for exams is that you should never ever stress yourself since stress will hinder you from performing well. Stress creates tension and in turn you will not remember all that you had previously studied.
6. Give yourself breaks that are guilt free as a way of rewarding yourself for the study time that you had just had as this will refresh you for the next study session.
7. Avoid distractions such as the television or studying in a noisy place so that you are able to get what you are studying. Although some people can study with the T.V on and loud music, you should never attempt this since your retention capacity will only be reduced.

The above are just a few of the many ways on how to study for exams so it would be wise to try out these ways and in the end you will see the results by yourself.Natural memory enhancer