Do you know that Henry Ford, the well known entrepreneur and maker of Ford cars once said ‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right’.
What he meant by that phrase is that your belief in yourself ultimately determines the success you will have.
Many entrepreneurs talk about the one quality they have in common- their faith in themselves and their belief that they will get there, even if where they are now is not currently where they want to be.
They usually have an expanded sense of possibility and potential; and see no reason why they can’t achieve their ambitious plans for success.
After all, your greatest asset in business, education or in any related fields is yourself, isn’t it? Without your passion, dedication and persistence you probably wouldn’t even have a business at all or a good education to succeed in life.
So when you are striding out, taking those first steps in business, education or in any field, understanding the value of a focused mindset coupled with self belief can help you enormously.
Because with enough belief in yourself, you will continue to strive where others have failed; you’ll pick yourself up instead of just giving up.
Pay attention to your limiting beliefs, attitudes and self-talk when working on your business, education or any related field. Thoughts such as ‘ I can’t do that’ or ‘I’ll never be able to achieve that’ are examples of self-limitation. Most entrepreneurs or successfully educated persons know that to truly succeed, your belief in yourself has to be unshakeable.
Think of your mind like a tree. With negative thoughts and doubts about yourself, your mind becomes weak and susceptible to external pressures. You’re more likely to believe that person when he says you haven’t got a viable business model, or agree with your parents when they tell you to ‘get a steady job’. In other words, your mind in this state is like a thin, flimsy tree- liable to be swayed by the wind and all the other external circumstances that surround it.
But with true self belief, your mind is strong. Your mind is like a tall, thick oak tree that has stood the test of time- and remains firm. You are secure in your expectations of yourself and you believe that you can and will set out what you intended to achieve.
In business, education or in any related field, your mindset makes all the difference. Do you make use of your most valuable tool?