How to answer exam questions correctly

Posted on September 22, 2018 · Posted in Blog, General, Personal


By understanding what the examiner is asking you, you will be able to answer your questions in an exam paper correctly. To understand what the examiner is asking you, you must identify the question and focus words in an exam question.

Question words (also called key action verbs) are important because they tell you exactly what the examiner wants you to do, for example: list, name, define, explain, etc.
For a list of question words and an explanation for each, read ‘How to understand question words’.

Focus words are important because they tell you what content to include in your answer.

Here is an example of how to look for question and focus words in a question:

Steps Examples
Step 1: Read the question. Define a democratic style of leadership.
Step 2: Read the question again and circle the question word.  a democratic style of leadership.
Step 3: Read the question again and underline the focus words. Define a democratic style of leadership.
Step 4: Plan your answer and write it down in a clear, logical way. This is a leadership style where the leader considers the views of the group in decision making.

Remember, your answers will change depending on the question and focus words in a question. You must understand what each question word means so you can answer the exam questions correctly.

Don’t forget to refer to the list of question words in the article, ‘How to understand question words‘.

Good luck your your exams! memory enhancer