Posted on December 26, 2022 · Posted in Blog, General, Memo Plus Gold, Personal

We all have reasons for being lazy. Even though they might be totally legitimate, stuff still has to get done. We know this, and therefore, we must complete these things.

Necessary Chores are Not Negotiable.

Hate doing dishes? Despise taking out the trash? So, you just do not do it? Or maybe you buy more socks and clothes because you forgot to do laundry? Stop that behaviour, right now! Seriously, if you keep on that path, you are going to end up being one of those nasty hoarders.

Use Positive Self-Talk.

Stop calling yourself lazy! It only reinforces the idea and causes you to more easily accept inaction. Instead, replace the negative self-talk with positive affirmations and motivational phrases.

Do Not Sit Down.

The simple act of sitting on a squishy, comfy couch – especially with your phone “just to check” your social media accounts – sends a signal to your brain that you are finished working.

Maybe you are tired after working all day. Or maybe you work from home and have a difficult project due, but you did not sleep well the night before. You know pretty well that it is all too easy to make those excuses every single day.

Keep moving and do something simple and productive. It will kick-start your motivation and help you stop being lazy.

Make New Friends.

You really do become like the people you choose to surround yourself with. Be very, very careful in your choices. One of the best things you can do is form friendships with “go-getters” and people who know how to get things done. This one step will change your life. Observe those people. Learn what makes them tick. Imitate them. But do not just be a ‘taker’ – be sure to contribute to the friendship.

It is difficult to pull back from long-term friendships you have had that may no longer serve you. Anyhow, you should not drop friends simply because they are not super-achievers. However, if you find you and your friends are enabling each other to blow off more and more essential or important tasks every day, then it is time for a change.

Turn Off the Television.

Watching television does absolutely nothing to move you toward your goals. And you are certainly not going to get your house cleaned or decluttered if you are sitting on your butt watching a movie on television.

Turn On the Music.

Your favourite ‘get moving’ music is fantastic motivation to get off the couch. It engages your internal rhythms, and pretty soon you almost cannot help yourself from moving instead of sitting like a slug.

If you need to work on a project, try listening to music that incorporates binaural beats. Alternatively, if you need absolute quiet to work, get some high-quality earplugs or earmuffs. That way your mind can focus or work through problems without interruption.

Schedule Your Day.

First, schedule essential tasks – like cleaning, cooking and eating meals, laundry, etc.

Then, schedule important tasks that will help you live better and reach your goals – like exercise, family activities, reading, working on your business idea, etc.

Give yourself generous time blocks, but make sure your schedule is for the entire day. That way you never have to think about what to do next – even if it is a long lunch. When your scheduled time is up, move on to the next item.

Do not skip essential tasks. If the next item on your list is ‘clean the bathroom’ and you would much rather keep working on that fun financial spreadsheet you are making… Sorry, you need to get up and clean the bathroom! And do not cheat by only scheduling things you like to do.

After a while, you will get faster at the tasks you do not like, giving yourself more time and energy to tackle the tasks that will truly improve your life.

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp.Natural memory enhancer