On Choosing The Right University Course – Research Thoroughly Before Enrolling

Posted on September 22, 2014 · Posted in Blog, General, Personal
Tips on Choosing the Right Pre-University Programmes for You!
(Photo Credit: Blackburn)


Selecting a degree major will be one of the important decisions you make in life. And since this is important, you will need an amount of research and reflection. In most cases, you should not rush into a decision.

You must be happy to find a career and degree to major that will make you feel secured in life. Getting a degree will help you to get jobs, but choosing a right degree major gives you a much better benefit in moving ahead in your career.

When starting your course search, it will be important to have some idea on which career path you intend to follow. You may be considering a few choices, but it will be important to have an idea of the end result as you do your research on the options which you have.

Once you have confirm the field of study and specializations you want to focus on, then you can begin your research on the courses that are available. You may come across courses with similar names, but we encourage you to look into the details of the courses as you may find the course which is the most suitable for your career path and benefit.  Find out about the entry requirements for each course you are interested in to ensure that you will be accepted into the course you apply for.

When selecting the course which is most suitable for yourself, you should also consider the different location cultures and lifestyle. In Malaysia, we have choices to study in capital cities, islands, as well as areas which are more nature friendly. It is good to choose a location which keeps you motivated and happy to achieve your studies. You should also consider personal support you will be able to get from either friends or relatives who are already in Malaysia and if you want to be studying near their location.

At the end of your decision making is to put together all of your research and consider all the facts you have found.  Keep your focus on what you want to achieve most through your course and Malaysian experience.  And this should lead you on to your final decision and you will be ready to apply.

The top five method of evaluating the best course to enroll in at university/college :

1. Official website Of course, this is probably where everyone begins. You decide to further your studies so you click on the website of the college of your choice. When doing this, be sure to browse through all the courses being offered. You’ll be surprise to stumble upon some courses you have never heard off. It may just change you initial decision. While this serves as a good start, DO NOT rely completely on websites. They’re there just for you to have a kick-start. And… for the love of God, browse only official websites, not some blogs “talking” about the courses you’re considering. Those may be true but you can never guarantee that they are not flawed.

2. Friends or even better, lecturers Simply browsing websites and reading brochures will not give you enough details to guide your judgment. You need to approach someone who is, or has, pursued the course you’re considering. As they have been directly involved in the process, they can offer you their genuine opinion on how the course is. Is it interesting? What do they learn? What are the career prospects? It’s even better if you can get in touch with a lecturer. An experienced one is even better. He or she would know all the ropes and recommend the best choice.

3. Campus tour This is essential if you want to get a taste of what college life feels like but of course, it will feel much different once you are part of that world. But it doesn’t hurt to just grab a bite, does it? Choose a college, make an appointment with the person in charge or program coordinator and have a look around the campus. Do you like the surroundings? How do the students look like on first impression? How do you think you’ll fit in? OK. I’m not condoning judging the book by its cover but for this case, judging the cover before reading the book might just be the right move because it’s money and time we’re talking about.

4. Education fair To be honest, this isn’t my favorite. Personally, education fairs are only for me to gather names of the colleges and universities which I can put into my list. I’ve been to such fairs and of course, they’re there to bring in more students. So yes, you can get the information needed but what you won’t get is how well does that information cater to your needs. Therefore, this fourth step is basically information-gathering rather than decision guidance. Nevertheless, it’s still one way to help your research.

5. Observation This is simple but yet vital. Say you’re thinking of pursuing medicine. Look around you. Have your friends who pursued such course managed to get their dream jobs in that line? If they have, are they enjoying it? You need to know if the course you’re about to enroll in will create the right career path for you. This is completely subjective and it varies from one person to another. So keep your eyes opened. At all times.

There…I can be writing day and night but eventually, it will be up to you. Studying is a commitment and for commitments to succeed, they need to be done from the heart. Unless you choose your commitments wisely, chances are you’ll never follow them through. So, think smart and make the right first move.

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