Posted on July 19, 2023 · Posted in Blog, General, Memo Plus Gold, Personal

You may not realize your poor posture, such as slouching or slumping your shoulders, not only looks bad, but it can also have adverse effects on your overall health.

There are legitimate health reasons why you were told by your mother and teachers to “sit up straight” and “stand up straight.”

Some adverse effects of Bad Posture:-

Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain.

Poor posture or slouching can lead to tension and pain in your neck, upper back, lower back and shoulders. Be careful that you do not overcorrect on your own by wrongly pulling your shoulders back too far as this could cause muscle tension and stiffness.

Poor Circulation.

If you sit for hours, especially if it is daily, in a chair with poor posture, you are putting yourself at risk of developing or worsening circulation problems. By sitting with poor posture all day, you are keeping your body from obtaining the necessary circulation it requires. Poor posture can also make you vulnerable to varicose veins.

Impaired Lung Function.

Poor posture can affect the amount of air you are taking into your lungs when breathing. Leaning or hunching forward all the time can negatively influence your lung function and capacity. When your lungs are not functioning as they should be, your brain, heart and other vital organs would not get the oxygen they need. This could lead to shortness of breath, poor cognitive function and even heart and vascular disease.

Poor Digestion.

If you have a desk job, then you likely know how easy it is to slouch your shoulders and neck over your abdomen and chest. When you slouch, you compress your abdominal organs, including your digestive tract. Doing this can over time, negatively impact your metabolism and your ability to process foods properly, potentially resulting in a nutritional deficiency.

Constricted Nerves.

The long-term impact of poor posture can cause your spine and other bones to shift their position. This is because your skeletal system starts coming into contact with your surrounding nerves, “pinching” them. The “pinched” nerves can not only lead to back and neck pain, but could also cause pain in other parts of the body.

Misaligned Spine.

Bad posture can negatively impact your spine’s position. When you have proper alignment, you can easily feel posture throughout your musculoskeletal system. But, when you perform most of your everyday activities with bad body mechanics or are stressed or injured in any way, you could end up with spinal misalignment and muscle spasm.

A Curvature of the Spine.

An upright spine is not really straight. You have a few essential spinal curves which are one in your:

  • Upper-to-mid-back
  • Neck
  • Lower back

Bad posture can distort these natural curves of your spine, affecting your whole body and causing an array of issues.

Headache and Jaw Pain.

When you have poor posture, you might spend a great deal of time leaning forward, making it more likely for you to clench your jaw. By clenching your jaw, you are causing your facial muscles to tighten, resulting in jaw pain and headaches.

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp. 

Natural memory enhancer