Exam is the thing which all of us has gone through at-least once in our life. And in this competitive world we will keep going through this “pressure cooker” called exam. Having a stable mind in the examination hall is the only way to succeed in this life changing examinations. How to have a stable mind?
We will discuss below few points which are useful before and during the exams.
Lets talk about before the examinations:
- Preparation: Preparation is key to success. If you want to pass the examination, you need to study. No other way can help in writing your answers in the answer sheet. Therefore study well in advance and revisions are must to gain confidence.
2. Meditation: It will keep you away from anxiety and stress. It will keep you calm and relaxed not only during your examinations but also in your life.
3. Stay away: Please stay away form the social media and games. This will disturb you and keep you engaged. It will hardly benifit you. So staying away as much as possible will be helpful before examinations.
So after knowing the before examination preparations, lets see what has to be done during the examinations.
- Deep breathing: It helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and helps blood circulation. Gives energy to your brain and body. You will feel refreshed.
2. Read: Read the question paper throughly and answer the once you know very well. Keep the rest for the last 30 mins.
3. Take it easy: Just relax and tale it easy. Have fairh in yourself and remember even if you fail this is not the last exam. There are more to come, this is just the beginning.
I am sure this will help you gain confidence not only in eaxam hall but even before your exams or during your study. To keep yourself motivated visit
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Thank you and keep rocking. Milind Kasabe,quora