The Successful Children Education Processes

Posted on June 27, 2013 · Posted in Parenting

When children have a good foundation from the earliest ages, and parents continue to stress the value of having the best education possible, they tend to be more successful as adults.  As parents continue to struggle with ensuring that their Children Education possibilities are the best they can afford, they must realize that children begin to learn from the day they are born.  Everything around them provides an opportunity to learn something new – whether it’s how to gently pet the dog or know to eat that first handful of Cheerios, everything is something new to the child.  It’s critical that parents stay active and participate with child throughout their young lives and impart their knowledge and belief system on these children.

The Successful Children Education Processes

The Successful Children Education Processes

Earliest Childhood Education

When looking at successful Children Education processes, researchers find that the first two years of the child’s life is mostly spent developing who they are and their abilities.  When parents participate daily with reading, playing with the child, singing to them, the child tends to feel a sense of belonging and part of the family.  They feel a sense of caring and loving from their parents, and can begin to develop a sense of caring as well.  Researchers have also found that children who do not have the right nutrition, nurturing from parents, and social interaction with parents and playmates, tend to have more developmental shortfalls than other children raised in a healthy environment

“Educating” Infants

“Infants” are generally considered the child who is less than one year old.  Studies of early Children Education have shown that even those children who have parent who talk with them during this age tend to have significantly higher intelligence throughout their lives, and they have higher IQ scores.  Visual stimulus is very important from the time the child is at least three months old, and studies have also shown that when these infants play with shapes, colors, and even have interactive games with their parents, they have greater vocabularies than others who do not have the same level of stimulation.

Developing the Children

There are a variety of ways that early Children Education helps to define and develop the child.  Parents should understand that these include:

  • Socializing – Playing with parents and other children, helps the child to develop attachments, to understand how to share, and how to form friendships.
  • Physical skills – These include hand-to-eye coordination and different motor skills.  They are as simply as picking up a piece of a banana on the plate and putting it in their own mouth instead of in their ear or on the floor.
  • Intelligence – These areas helps the child learn about the world around them.  Shapes, colors, numbers, alphabets, hot, cold, wet, and dry – all the pieces of information that will go with them for the rest of their lives are built from this foundation.
  • Creativity – Some children love to sing and dance, others love to draw or color, and others want to know how things work – great little engineers in the making who force different items in to the toaster to see how it works.
  • Emotions – Developing the emotions during early Children Education helps give them a sense of who they are, and helps to develop the confidence in their abilities to help them cope with their feelings and circumstances for the rest of their lives.  Protecting them, and not allowing them to ever experience hurt or failure, in the long run is detrimental to how they adapt and live in the real world where there are disappointments and failure.

Statistically Speaking

Several research studies have followed young children throughout their lives that range from a good start with to their Children Education period when compared to the lower income families who did not have parents who worked with the children at a young range and participated in their lives.  This research showed that the children who did not receive this young formative guidance were five to seven times more likely to break the law and use drugs as children who had a better start to their early childhood development.

In a Nutshell

When parents work with their children and help develop their Children Education practices very early in their lives, they tend to be much more successful than those who receive little to no attention at those young ages from their parents.  Many parents mistakenly believe that infants and toddlers don’t really learn anything, so why waste the time, but research has proven this is the best time to start teaching the kids, and they absolutely learn a lot even at the youngest ages.

Other resources

Early Child Care and Education in Malaysia

 Natural memory enhancer