The past few years, many children have been diagnosed as “hyperactive”. But before parent run off to doctors to get prescriptions for them, they need to understand the difference between “normal childhood energy” and excessive “hyperactivity” in children. Just because a child is overactive and has a lot of energy doesn’t mean they should be diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Parents need to know how to spot Hyperactive Children and learn some tips to understand if they are really “hyperactive” or just “normal”.
Symptoms of ADHD
The main behavior issues in Hyperactive Children include many of the following symptoms:
- Become bored more rapidly if they are made to do something they don’t want to do
- Cannot follow instructions
- Cannot participate in quiet activities
- Cannot process information at the same speed as their peers
- Constantly chatter or talk
- Do not pay attention to people speaking to them
- Easily confused and move slower than other children
- Fail to complete a variety of assignments or chores
- Find it very hard to focus on one activity
- Find it extremely difficult to learn a new task or subject
- Fidget and cannot sit still for any length of time
- Forgetful
- Frequently interrupt anyone else who is talking
- Lose assorted items frequently
- Make inappropriate comments
- Make a lot of noise and are very impatient
- Very easy to distract
Causes of Hyperactivity
Currently, researchers don’t really know what causes Hyperactive Children, but there are a lot of ongoing studies. Some suggest the disorder is genetic, while other believe the cause is a combination of environment (including fluorescent lights, brain injuries, food poisoning, or lead) or nutrition factors (too much sugar, fluoride, chocolate), and still others believe that vaccines may be a leading cause. Certainly alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy have been contributing factors to many brain disorders in children, and one school of thought believes hyperactivity may be linked to insufficient prenatal care. There have been a few studies in which children with a specific gene have something thinner tissue in the brain that is typically connected to the center which control attention, and in some studies the children have simply “grown out of it” and the normal level of thickness grew as the child aged. Interesting enough as these levels of thickness grew, the hyperactivity symptoms were reduce. There will continue to be ongoing studies until a definitive answer is found. Be aware there is no single test that physicians can use to diagnose Hyperactive Children.
Tips for Parents with Hyperactive Children
When parents have true Hyperactive Children (and not just ones that have a lot of energy) it is draining, exhausting, and frustrating. The mental stress is exhausting, but the physical stress of keeping up with these children takes an even greater toll on parents. There are certainly techniques that work with one child, but not the rest of them. It’s a matter of finding out what works best for each child. Below are some tips that come highly recommended for these stressed-out parents of Hyperactive Children:
- Cut down (or even eliminate) on the sugar intake. Some children actually experience a “sugar high” that triggers this hyperactivity cycle.
- Routines are very important for children who are hyperactive. Parents will begin to notice that they act out more when the routine is not followed than when it is. (For some who are hyperactive, there seems to be a direct correlation with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders.) All children need stability, but hyperactive ones need stability and a routine.
- Make sure that the activities are very structured and cut down on “free” or leisure time”. Parents need to be much more involved with the hyperactive children’s activities than they do with normal children.
- Understand that many of these children who are hyperactive have above average intelligence and become bored very quickly. Find activities and subjects that will hold their interest and encourage them to learn.
Treatment for Hyperactivity
There are a variety of drugs that are currently in use these children, but parents should be aware of all the side effects of each drug. Most of these are stimulants, oddly enough, seem to have a calming effect on these children. There is still no one solution for every child, so be sure to know the side effects because currently there is no “cure”. Researchers are also finding that many “natural” remedies are producing some great results.
Stressful and Rewarding
Having Hyperactive Children can be stressful, but very rewarding when children “grow out of” the hyperactivity and begin to function normally.