How does a large amount of sugar intake effect the human body ?
Why is too much sugar bad for the body? Here are ten different reasons why we should all keep ourselves from going on a sugar high. Tooth decay. We all.. read more
Why is too much sugar bad for the body? Here are ten different reasons why we should all keep ourselves from going on a sugar high. Tooth decay. We all.. read more
BismillahirRahmanirRahim Good health is a result of balanced diet, physical exercise and mental equilibrium. The Prophet SAW was a perfect example of a man with good eating habots. He used.. read more
Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said a quarter of Malaysians aged between 18 and 24 are now pursuing higher education, thanks to the government’s continued efforts to.. read more
Health is the sound state of the body as well as the mind. A healthy man enjoys the soundness of mind as well as soundness of body. Health does not.. read more
Bismillah So you want to be fit. You want to feel alive, youthful and experience that boost in energy all day long? Or do you prefer sitting around and.. read more
What is a white, addictive, powder-like substance that results in harmful physiological and psychological changes in its users? Sugar, of course! Sugar is a difficult topic to write about… read more
There is a lot of talk about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Most of this talk makes it sound like it is very complicated but this is really.. read more
From an Islamic perspective health is viewed as one of the greatest blessings that Allah has bestowed on mankind. It should be noted that the greatest blessing after belief is.. read more
Islam places great stress on seeking knowledge and education. Generally speaking, one can’t find the proper right path in this world, this is true in all times and places. Knowledge.. read more
Education is very important to both your personal and professional life, in a number of significant ways! Depending on the level of success you’re seeking to achieve, the level of.. read more